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非侵襲性成像解碼腫瘤的遺傳活性 【?2007-06-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊
將肝癌組織圖像與基因表達模式相比較,一個研究團隊已研發了某些能幫助臨床醫生從CT成像上獲得腫瘤遺傳方面的信息的工具。此研究是為了使醫生獲得特定腫瘤或疾病分子學上的詳細信息而不需通過侵襲性的活檢步驟。 根據斯坦福大學醫學院和加利福尼亞大學醫學院研究學者的研究結果,此項研究跨越了兩個研究領域:人類基因組圖譜和影像診斷學。 科學家系統比較了肝臟腫瘤CT圖像和手術獲得的活檢組織所獲取的基因表達模式,研究學者主要對兩個不同方面進行了研究,第一個方面是腫瘤的CT掃描特點,另一個方面是腫瘤在分子水平的表現是怎樣的,兩者具有密切的聯系。 此項研究的第一作者Michael Kuo博士解釋說,“組織生物活性改變時,諸如,血管新生或細胞生長時多種基因會起作用。我們還研究了基因在肝臟腫瘤特定核型上所起的作用,這些腫瘤都可以通過CT掃描觀察到,比如,腫瘤組織內血管的特點或腫瘤的質地以及圖像上其他的變化。” 這種方法可以避免活檢帶來的疼痛或感染和出血的風險,并且不會損傷組織,同一部位可以進行多次檢測。 本研究的目的是為了揭示肝臟腫瘤遺傳活性模式和其在CT成像中的關系,并提供簡易的轉化方法。科學家最先對135例腫瘤患者進行了研究,之后把研究對象固定在28例最具特點的肝臟腫瘤患者。把圖像的特點與來自癌組織基因芯片所獲得的結果相匹配并進行比較。 基因芯片在確定疾病諸如腫瘤基因和其模式上的作用非常顯著,通過這種檢測手段同時對正常組織進行比較,可以發現CT圖像和基因表達間存在密切的聯系。對7,000種腫瘤相關基因進行檢測,研究表明有75%的基因與腫瘤圖像特點有關。 這項研究發表于自然生物技術雜志,目前只能看到網絡版。 來源:medinews.com Noninvasive Imaging Decodes The Genetic Activity of Tumors By correlating images of cancerous liver tissue with gene expression patterns, a research team has developed tools that may some day allow clinicians to view a computed tomography (CT) image of a tumor and decipher its genetic activity. The study was designed to help clinicians obtain the molecular details of a specific tumor or disease without having to do an invasive biopsy procedure. According to researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine (USA), the study represents the convergence of two developing fields of medical research: the mapping of the human genome and advances in diagnostic imaging. The researchers systematically compared features from CT images of liver tumors with gene expression patterns obtained from surgery and tissue biopsies. Once they located the genomic correlates of the features identified by CT imaging, the researchers found that the two very different aspects of studying cancer--how the tumor looks in a CT scan and how it behaves on a molecular level--had a very strong connection. The study抯 senior author, Michael Kuo, M.D., assistant professor of interventional radiology at UCSD, commented, 揥e studied what the various genes were doing and the biological activity they were involved in such as angiogenesis or cell growth. We also looked at how the genes contributed to a particular phenotype in the liver tumor seen on the CT scans, for example, the presence of characteristics vessels, or the tumor抯 texture and other important diagnostic imaging traits,?said Dr. Kuo. This new approach would avoid the pain and risk of infection and bleeding from a biopsy and would not destroy tissue, so the same site could be tested again and again. The research process sought to reveal the relationship between genetic activity patterns in liver tumors and the tumor抯 appearance on CT scans, and provides a simple means of translation. The scientists first began with about 135 basic tumor descriptors, and then narrowed down the multitude of traits to the 28 most significant diagnostic descriptors, matching those imaging features with a vast stockpile of microarray data generated from human liver cancer samples. Microarrays are proving to be extremely useful for identifying groups of genes and their patterns in diseases such as cancer, enabling scientists to compare them with normal tissue activity 揥e found a rich association between the images and the gene expression,?Dr. Kuo said, adding that out of approximately 7,000 genes in the tumors, the research team was able to consistently associate imaging traits with 75% of the genes. The study was published May 21, 2007, in the advance online issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology. Related Links: Stanford University School of Medicine University of California, San Diego 本文關鍵字:
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