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Antiallergic drugs market report

【?2008-07-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊

Antiallergic drugs market report

Research report of Chinese antiallergic drugs market
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Format:  Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price:  US$3,800
Contact: Mr.Humphrey  
Tel.: 86-10-58110925            Fax:  86-10-58110918
Brief introduction
   The report presents a detail analysis on Chinese hospital and retail market of antiallergic drugs, based on the impersonal data。With the report you can know Chinese status of antiallergic drugs market and development opportunities。The report discloses the market scale, sales trend, and sales status of key brands(enterprises)。In the report the key breeds contains Loratadine, Cetirizine, Mizolastine, Ebastine, Desloratadine etc.
   The report consist of 181 tables and figures, 103 pages, 28 thousand words.
The table of contents
Chapter 1 Sales analysis of hospital market
1 Overview of Sales status
  1.1 Market scales and sales trend from 2002 to 2005
  1.2 Market shares of differetn breeds from 2002 to 2005
  1.3 Market shares of antiallergic drugs with different administration routes
2 Sales analysis of key breeds
  2.1 Loratadine
     2.1.1 Market share of Loratadine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.1.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.1.3 Sales statistic of Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd
     2.1.4 Sales statistic of Sanmenxia Sinoway pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
     2.1.5 Sales statistic of Beijing SL Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
     2.1.6 Sales statistic of Changzhou Siyao pharmaceutical Co.,LTD
     2.1.7 Sales statistic of Shenzhen neptunus Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
     2.1.8 Sales statistic of Zhejiang Jingxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
  2.2 Cetirizine
     2.2.1 Market share of Cetirizine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.2.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.2.3 Sales statistic of Belgium UCB Pharma S.p.A
     2.2.4 Sales statistic of Shandong Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Corporation
     2.2.5 Sales statistic of Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceutial (Holdings) Limited
     2.2.6 Sales statistic of India Sun Pharmaceutial Industries Ltd.
     2.2.7 Sales statistic of Chongqing Huapont Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
     2.2.8 Sales statistic of Chengdu MinYi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
  2.3 Mizolastine
     2.3.1 Market share of Mizolastine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.3.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.3.3 Sales statistic of Xian Janssen Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
  2.4 Desloratadine
     2.4.1 Market share of Desloratadine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.4.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.4.3 Sales statistic of Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
     2.4.4 Sales statistic of Hainan Poly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
     2.4.5 Sales statistic of Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
     2.4.6 Sales statistic of Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd
  2.5 Ebastine
     2.5.1 Market share of Ebastine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.5.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.5.3 Sales statistic of Eisai (Suzhou) Co., Ltd   
     2.5.4 Sales statistic of Hangzhou Sanofi-Synthelabo Minsheng Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd
     2.5.5 Sales statistic of Hangzhou Aoyipollen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd
  2.6 Chlorcylizine
     2.6.1 Market share of Chlorcylizine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.6.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.6.3 Sales statistic of Jiaozuo Kangli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
  2.7 Mequitazine
     2.7.1 Market share of Mequitazine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.7.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.7.3 Sales statistic of Hangzhou Sanofi-Synthelabo Minsheng Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd
  2.8 Astemizole
     2.8.1 Market share of Astemizole in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.8.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.8.3 Sales statistic of Xian Janssen Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
  2.9 Triprolidine
     2.9.1 Market share of Triprolidine in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     2.9.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     2.9.3 Sales statistic of Xianggan Federal Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd
  2.10 Levocetirizine
     2.10.1 Sales statistic of Chongqing Huapont Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
  2.11 Others(Fexofenadine 、Setastine etc.)
3 Sales analysis of antiallergic drugs of hormone class
  3.1 Budesonide
     3.1.1 Market share of Budesonide in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     3.1.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     3.1.3 Sales statistic of AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co Ltd
     3.1.4 Sales statistic of Boehringer Ingelheim Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd
     3.1.5 Shandong Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Corporation
  3.2 Beclometasone
     3.2.1 Market share of Beclometasone in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     3.2.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     3.2.3Sales statistic of GlaxoSmithKline Plc
  3.3 Fluticasone
     3.3.1 Market share of Fluticasone in antiallergic drugs market form 2002 to 2005
     3.3.2 Market share of different enterprises form 2002 to 2005
     3.3.3 Sales statistic of GlaxoSmithKline Plc
4、Sales analysis of antiallergic drugs of allergic mediator release inhibitors
  4.1 Ketotifen
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