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Cardiovascular drugs report 【?2008-07-18 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Cardiovascular drugs reportResearch Report on Chinese cardiovascular drugs Market
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price: US$2,500
Contact: Mr.Humphrey
Tel.: 86-10-58110925 Fax: 86-10-58110918
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Classification of cardiovascular diseases and disease incidence
1.1 Overview of cardiovascular diseases
1.1.1 Categories of cardiovascular diseases
1.1.2 World epidemiology trend of cardiovascular diseases
1.2 Disease incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases in China
1.2.1 Epidemiology trend and the characteristic in the 90's of last century
1.2.2 Epidemiology of key cardiovascular diseases and disease incidence
1.2.3 Rank of cardiovascular diseases by mortality in the past few years
2 Categories of cardiovascular drugs
2.1 Categories classified according to action function and indication
2.2 Categories classified according to pharmacologic action and clinic usage
2.2.1 Calcium antagonist
2.2.2 For cardiac insufficiency
2.2.3 Antiarrhythic drug
2.2.4 anti-anginal drug
2.2.5 Vasodilator
2.2.6 Antihypertensive
2.2.7 Antishock drug
2.2.8 Antiatherosclerotic
2.3 Amount of breeds of cardiovascular drugs
3 Production status of bulk durgs of cardiovascular drugs
3.1 Proportion of bulk durgs of cardiovascular drugs in the output of all bulk drugs
3.2 Output descended compared to 1999 year
3.3 Domestic manufacturers of bulk durgs of cardiovascular drugs
3.4 Production status of all bulk drugs
3.5 Export & import amount of bulk durgs of cardiovascular drugs was small
4 Market analysis of cardiovascular drugs
4.1 Summary
4.2 Sales status of the global market
4.3 Market analysis of Chinese market about the past 3 years
4.3.1 Market share of cardiovascular drugs in the whole drug market
4.3.2 Market share of Antihypertensives
4.3.3 Market share of Antiarrhythic drugs
4.3.4 Market share of anti-anginal drugs
4.3.5 Market share of drugs for heart failure
4.3.6 Market share of Antishock drugs
4.3.7 Market share of vasodilators
4.3.8 Market share of lipid regulators
4.4 Sales analysis of key breeds
4.4.1 amlodipine
4.4.2 Isosorbide Mononitrate
4.4.3 Captopril
4.4.4 Nifedipine
4.4.5 Benazepril
4.4.6 Simvastatin
4.4.7 ginkgo leaf
4.4.8 Danshen Root
4.4.9 Daidzein
4.5 Introductions of key manufacturers
4.5.1 Shenzhen neptunus Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd
4.5.2 Tasly Group
4.5.3 Chendu Di'ao Group
4.5.4 Jiangsu Yangtze river Pharmaceutical Group Company Ltd
5 Research and development of cardiovascular drugs
5.1 Overview
5.2 Research focus of Calcium antagonists
5.2.1 Research focus of long-acting and lipophilia dihydropyridines calcium antagonists
5.2.2 Research focus of T-type Calcium Channel antagonists
5.2.3 Calcium antagonist of traditional Chinese medicine
5.2.4 Tetrandrine
5.3 Research focus of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors(ACEI)
5.3.1 The first generation such as "capt"
5.3.2 Second generation (prodrug without hydrosulfuryl such as Enalapril)
5.3.3 Third generation (such as Lisinopril, Fosinopril)
5.4 Research focus of antihypertensive drugs
5.4.1 NEP-ACE inhibitor
5.4.2 ACEI inhibitor
5.4.3 AT1 receptor antagonist
5.5 Research progress of sustained-release preparation of cardiovascular drugs
5.5.1 Captopril sustained-release matrix tablets
5.5.2 Felodipine sustained-release tablets
5.5.3 Nitroglycerin sustained-release tablets
5.5.4 Isradipine sustained-release capsules
5.5.5 Verapamil sustained-release tablets
5.5.6 Isosorbide Mononitrate sustained-release tablets
5.5.7 Nifedipine sustained-release tablets
5.5.8 Atenolol sustained-release tablets
5.5.9 Aspirin sustained-release capsules
5.5.10 Nicardipine sustained-release pellets
5.5.11 Diltiazem sustained-release tablets
5.5.12 Nitrendipine sustained-release pellets
5.6 Research progress of new technologies of cardiovascular drugs
5.6.1 Oral pulse release system
5.6.2 Transdermal therapeutic system(TTS)
5.6.3 Colon specific drug delivery system
5.6.4 Solid dispersion system
5.7 Others
5.7.1 GPⅡb/Ⅲa
5.7.2 Reserah progress for heart failure
5.7.3 Reserah progress of plant medicine for cardiovascular diseases
5.7.4 Drugs of restenosis preventio
5.7.5 New statin Rosuvastatin Calcium
5.8 Research and development of cardiovascular drugs of key enterprises
5.8.1 AstraZeneca
5.8.2 Bristol Myers Squibb
5.8.3 Merck
5.8.4 Pfizer Inc
5.8.5 Sanofi-Synthelabo
6 SWOT analysis of the industry of cardiovascular drugs in China
6.1 Strength
6.1.1 Pharmacodynamic action of domestic drugs is equal to import drugs
6.1.2 Prices of domestic drugs are more competitive
6.2 weakness
6.2.1 Domestic drugs compete with import drugs
6.2.2 China lags to powerful nations of pharmaceutical industry
6.3 opportunity
6.3.1 The broad market prospect
6.3.2 Consumption level of c
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