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韓國Jawon公司推出人體成分檢測儀 【?2004-11-16 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種無與倫比的、更加準確、更加精確人體成分檢測儀問世,該儀器是由同位素稀釋法發展而來的。 美國國立健康研究院(NIH)以及權威科學家指出年齡和性別確保檢測方法準確性和精確性的關鍵因素,這點得到了Jawon公司醫學專家的認同。 肥胖是當代社會許多與生活方式密切相關疾病的重要病因。人體成分檢測儀是一種用于診斷、預防和改善肥胖的多功能儀器。該儀器使用業務智能分析方法(business intelligence analysis,BIA)檢測阻抗、多頻率電波以及節段分析來分析身體組成成分。 BIA方法假定:人體是由身高和體重確定的圓柱體組成的,這些圓柱體的物質分布以及傳導性是相似的。
因此檢測到的阻抗不是完全由實際身體產生的,而是按照BIA標準,根據年齡和性別進行校正之后的圓柱體體積得到的。因此,年齡和性別是用來校正假定值和實際測量值之間差異的最重要因素,也是反應被檢測者的重要特征(男性-女性,年青-年老)。 但是由于個人原因,如體育鍛煉或者節食導致的身體組成變化,將可以由檢測的阻抗反應出來。 與年齡和性別一樣,諸如身高或者體重等數據也會造成分析結果的差異。因此,當進行這種分析的時候,為得到正確的結果應注意避免輸入錯誤的數據。 Body Composition Analyzer Developed by isotope dilution method Age and Gender The critical factors to ensure Accuracy and Precision Scientists of authority & NIH refer Accepted by Jawon medical as critical factors. A Body Composition Analyzer is a comprehensive device for the diagnosis, prevention and improvement of obesity, which is a major cause of life-style disease. It analyzes body composition with measured impedance using BIA method, multi-frequency wave and segmental analysis. BIA method premises that a human body consists of a simple cylindrical shape as determined by Height and Weight. It also holds the premise that the conductivity and compositional distribution of the material in these body cylinders are homogeneous. There are differences between this premised cylinder and actual human body, however. The shape, distribution, and density of the material in these cylinders change due to age and gender, these factors affect the current flow and measured impedance. For the woman the fat distributed around breast and pelvis, for reproduction purpose, makes a difference of 9~12% and is more of an uneven shape for than man. Therefore, the measured impedance is not 100% of the impedance as reflected by the real body but the size of the cylinder as adjusted by BIA standards after compensating for the differences due to Age and Gender. Thus, age and gender are the most critical factors to correct for the differences between premised and actual measurement, and they describe the characteristics (male-female, young-old) of the subject detailed. But the change of body composition comes from individual effort such as exercise or dieting will be reflected to the measured impedance. Along with age and gender, the input of data regarding height or weight also make a difference in the analyzed result. Please pay proper attention not to enter the wrong data when you perform the analysis. Jawon公司聯系方式: Jawon Medical Co., Ltd 本文關鍵字:
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