
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 利用虛擬手術模擬裝置學習手術技能  


【?2004-11-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊


傳統的外科訓練是通過一種學徒形式完成的:在數年時間里,訓練有素的高年資外科醫生在手術室里指導住院醫生。而臨床模擬中心(The Clinical Simulation Center)則能夠模擬進行真實外科手術時的情景,甚至能夠模擬手術操作時候的那種感覺,從而允許受訓的外科醫生在接觸手術室之前就能夠學習練習手術技能。


U-M手術科教育副主席Paul Gauger說:“我們努力提高對患者檢查和手術的安全性以及對患者的護理質量。同時,我們也關注醫生的教育過程以及資格保證。而我們臨床模擬中心的高科技手段能夠幫助我們達到這些目標。”


Extremely Realistic: Learning with Virtual Surgery Simulators

At the University of Michigan Medical School, 21st century educational technology has caught up with 21st century medicine: Doctors-in-training can practice their skills on extremely realistic simulators.
Traditional surgical training is done through a type of immersive apprenticeship, with experienced surgeons teaching residents in the operating room over a period of years. The Clinical Simulation Center mimics the look - and even the feel - of performing an actual surgical procedure, allowing surgical trainees to practice techniques before they ever reach the operating room.
For instance, a resident training on the colonoscopy simulator looks at a screen with real time response to scope movements and air insufflation. They have the ability to perform mucosal biopsies, cautery and even snaring polyps. And if they push too hard or use too little sedation, the simulated patient reminds them (through the speakers) to manage the anaesthesia appropriately (I.e., "ouch", "ow", or "hey").
"We're working to enhance patient safety and the quality of patient care. At the same time, we're dedicated to the process of education and the assurance of competency, so the advanced technologies in our Clinical Simulation Center help us to meet all these goals,” says Paul Gauger, associate chair for education, U-M Department of Surgery.
He notes that the Clinical Simulation Center works to prepare doctors-in-training for a wide variety of difficult situations. The Clinical Simulation Center provides learning opportunities on demand, Gauger says. Will this technology help medical schools to train better doctors? And, will the technology help improve patient outcomes? The Clinical Simulation Center is evaluating the level of learning that takes place at the Center in order to answer these questions and help other centres determine how best to use simulation technologies.

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