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保留乳房的乳腺癌切除術可以用于治療遺傳性乳腺癌 【?2004-12-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據2004年11月22日《癌癥》在線期刊上發表的研究結果:女性遺傳性乳腺癌患者接受保留乳房的乳腺癌切除術,手術過的乳房癌癥復發的風險不會增加。 保留乳房的乳腺癌切除術(Breast-conserving therapy, BCT),包括乳房局部病灶切除術和放療,用于治療非遺傳性或者散發性早期乳腺癌已經被證明是安全有效的。但是使用BCT治療BRCA1和BRCA2基因突變的女性乳腺癌患者則仍然存在爭議。這是因為有資料認為手術過的乳房癌癥復發的風險增加,未治療的乳房會生成新的腫瘤,這些資料充滿矛盾。在一項新研究中,對87例診斷為乳腺癌而且有BRCA突變的女性使用BCT治療后遠期的癌癥風險進行了評估。 研究者發現:與年輕無基因突變的女性乳腺癌患者相比,手術過的乳房癌癥復發風險并沒有增加。在明確診斷后的10年,13.6%有基因突變的女性出現腫瘤復發,與以前使用BCT治療的非遺傳性乳腺癌女性相似。但是超過半數的女性患者在診斷后的10年內發生腫瘤相關性事件,37.6%的患者未手術治療的乳房生成新的癌癥。 “保留乳房的乳腺癌切除術對BRCA突變女性患者是一種合理的治療選擇,單側乳房切除術的手術指征對遺傳性和非遺傳性乳腺癌患者是相同的,”作者總結說。但是,作者提醒“應當對雙側乳房切除術進行論證,以確保控制對側乳房發生癌癥的風險。”該項研究由Mark Robson醫學博士和Memorial Solan-Kettering癌癥中心(New York, NY, USA)的同事完成的。 Breast-Conserving Therapy for Hereditary Disease Breast-conserving therapy (BCT), consisting of lumpectomy and radiation, has been demonstrated in the past to be a safe, effective treatment for nonhereditary or sporadic forms of early breast cancer. However, the use of BCT for women with mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has been controversial because of conflicting data about the increased risk of recurrence in the treated breast and the development of tumors in the untreated breast. In the new study, 87 women diagnosed with breast cancer and BRCA mutations were treated with BCT to evaluate their long-term cancer risks. Investigators found no increase in the risk of cancer recurrence in the treated breast, compared to young women without mutations. Ten years after diagnosis, 13.6% of the women with a genetic mutation had experienced a recurrence similar to previously found rates for women with nonhereditary cancers treated with BCT. However, more than half of the women suffered a cancer-related event within 10 years of their diagnosis, including 37.6% who experienced a new cancer in the untreated breast. “Breast-conserving treatment is a reasonable option for [women with BRCA mutations], and the indications for unilateral mastectomy should be the same for both hereditary and nonhereditary breast cancer,” concluded the authors. However, they caution that “discussion of bilateral mastectomy is warranted by the significant contralateral breast cancer risk.” The study was conducted by Mark Robson, M.D., and colleagues from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York, NY, USA). 本文關鍵字:
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