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美迪醫療網成揚報道:美國Bristol-Myers Squibb醫學影像公司(N. Billerica, MA, USA)從英國Thermocore醫學公司(Guildford, UK)獲得了新型冠狀動脈內熱成像導管系統的全球所有權,該系統通過描記冠狀動脈內溫度變化差異來檢查易損斑塊。具體交易情況沒有公布。


該系統的初期研發工作是由Thermocore醫學公司完成的。而根據協議,Bristol-Myers Squibb醫學影像公司獲得了在全球范圍內研發、制造以及將Thermocore所擁有的平臺技術與熱成像導管系統商業化的權力。

“Thermocore公司的新技術平臺是對冠狀動脈內易損斑塊進行鑒別和診斷的重大突破。”Bristol-Myers Squibb醫學影像公司的總裁Cory Zwerling說,“我們希望進一步開發這種前途光明的技術,使得早期干預處于危險的患者以及改善他們的預后成為可能。”

Bristol-Myers Gets Rights to Thermographic Catheter
The worldwide rights to a novel intracoronary thermographic catheter system designed to detect vulnerable plaque by mapping temperature variations inside the coronary arteries have been acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb Medical Imaging (N. Billerica, MA, USA) from Thermocore Medical Ltd. (Guildford, UK). Financial terms were not disclosed.

When vulnerable plaque ruptures, it can trigger the formation of blood clots that, in turn, can obstruct blood flow to the heart muscle and lead to a heart attack or sudden cardiac death. The catheter system provides a thermal imaging map of the interior of coronary arteries by incorporating a series of sensitive temperature sensors into the distal end of the catheter system. Mapping of these temperature differentials could potentially identify and localize plaque before it ruptures and creates blood clots.

The initial development work on the catheter system was done by Thermocore Medical. Under the agreement, Bristol-Myers Squibb Medical Imaging has the worldwide rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize Thermocore’s proprietary platform technology and its thermographic catheter system.

“Thermocore’s novel technology platform could represent an important advance in the identification and characterization of vulnerable plaque in the coronary arteries,” noted Cory Zwerling, president, Bristol-Myers Squibb Medical Imaging. “We are looking forward to further defining the potential of this promising technology in hopes of facilitating earlier intervention and improved outcomes for patients at risk.”

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