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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Philips公司與Fishcer公司合作推廣專用乳房X線攝 |
Philips公司與Fishcer公司合作推廣專用乳房X線攝 【?2004-12-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據一項新協議的條款,飛利浦醫療公司將出售一種專用數字乳房X線攝像系統并為產品提供服務與支持,該系統整合了飛利浦特有的影像處理和用戶界面,從而擴大了產品應用范圍。 該系統將基于Fischer影像公司研發的SenoScan2系統,提供50-以及25-微米固有的診斷分辨率。Fischer公司與飛利浦公司簽署了為期3年的全面協議。 新型槽式掃描數字乳房X線攝像系統提供的影像清晰度極高,而所放射量卻令人驚奇地減少,幾乎消除了人工假象。這種高效設計幾乎消除了散射輻射的副作用,卻無需使用X線濾線柵。影像清晰、分辨率極高,放射劑量減少60%。 Fishcer影像公司總裁Harris Ravine說:“現在,SenoScan2系統允許操作者得到最清晰的影像,為用戶度身定制工作臺以滿足不同需要。飛利浦公司的參與確保了Fischer公司擁有的槽式掃描技術的臨床應用,將極大擴大“終端-終端”數字x線乳房攝像術的影像。” Philips to Sell Specialized Mammography System Under the terms of a new agreement, Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands) will sell, service, and support a specialized digital mammography system integrated with Philips’ Unique image processing and user interface, thereby extending its product range. The system will be based on the SenoScan2 System developed by Fischer Imaging (Denver, CO, USA), which provides both 50- and 25-micron native diagnostic resolution. Fischer signed a three-year, global agreement with Philips. The new slot scanning digital mammography (SSDM) system provides a very high image resolution with a dramatically reduced radiation dose and virtual elimination of motion artifacts. The technology utilizes a tightly collimated x-ray beam that scans in precise alignment with a narrow slotted image receptor. This highly efficient design virtually eliminates the negative effects of scatter radiation without requiring the use of a grid. The result is clear, high-resolution images with up to 60% reduction in radiation dose. “Now, the SenoScan2 enables users to fully maximize image quality with customizable workstations that will scale to their needs. The partnership with Philips validates the clinical impact of Fischer’s patented slot scan technology and will dramatically expand access to powerful end-to-end digital mammography detection,” remarked Harris Ravine, Fischer Imaging president and CEO. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢更多關于 Philips公司,Fishcer公司,專用乳房X線攝像系統 的新聞《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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