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與眾不同的AnastoClip VCS快速血管吻合系統 【?2004-12-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種連結系統能夠提供了快速而精確的血管吻合,可以替代傳統的縫合方法。 該系統稱作AnastoClip VCS(血管閉合系統)。以阻斷方式放置鈦夾子順應血管吻合而無需穿透血管腔。這就允許血管吻合能夠進行收縮與擴張以容納脈沖血流。該系統適用于不同類型血管手術,最常用于血管入口處。 由于終末期腎病而接受血液透析的人數每年以6%的速度增長,僅僅在美國大約就有3000,000萬人接受這種治療。在這些患者中使用AnastoClip VCS,能夠使最初的血管開放增加20%,同時減少手術時間、快速止血、無需使用昂貴的止血藥物。這樣就使得患者減少了外科手術以維持血管開放。 AnastoClip VCS是LeMaitre Vascular公司的產品,最近被U.S. Surgica公司所接受。 美國食品藥品管理局業已批準并給予了CE標記。 The system is called the AnastoClip VCS (vessel closure system). Titanium clips placed in an interrupted fashion facilitate a compliant anastomosis without penetrating the vessel lumen. This allows the anastomosis to contract and expand to accommodate pulsatile flow. The system can be used in a variety of vascular procedures, most commonly in vascular access. The number of people receiving hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease is growing at 6% per year, with about 300,000 patients in the United States alone receiving this treatment. Use of the AnastoClip VCS for vascular access in these patients can result in a 20% increase in primary patency and reduced operating room time while providing immediate hemostasis, eliminating the need for expensive hemostatic agents. This benefits patients by reducing surgical revisions to maintain patency. The AnastoClip VCS is the product of LeMaitre Vascular (Burlington MA, USA) and was recently acquired from U.S. Surgical (Norwalk, CT, USA). It has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has the CE Mark. 本文關鍵字:
AnastoClip VCS快速血管吻合系統
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