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【?2004-12-27 發布?】 美迪醫訊


該技術被叫做MethylPlex,方法簡單但是十分敏感,克服了時間與成本的障礙,正是這些障礙使得使用DNA甲基化篩查癌癥直到現在都不切實際。當描繪基因表達情況的時候,使用MethylPlex基因芯片描繪基因組甲基化的方法簡單而且價廉。檢測早期前列腺與食管癌的關鍵指標,是根據幾百例患者甲基化模式來診斷的。MethylPlex是Rubicon基因公司(Ann Arbor, MI, USA)的產品。


Rubicon基因公司創始人兼CSO Vladimir Makarov博士說:“MethylPlex是破譯這種診斷潛能的關鍵,因為它能夠在1天的時間內產生10,000條基因的高清晰甲基化圖譜,而每條基因的檢測成本低于0.10美元,從而將發現與證實新指標的成本降低了大約100倍” 。
New Cancer-Detection Technology
A more effective technology for the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer has been developed that detects the patterns of abnormal DNA methylation arising in the serum and urine of patients during tumor formation and progression.

Called MethylPlex, the method is simple but is the most sensitive and overcomes barriers of time and cost that have made cancer screening based on DNA methylation impractical until now. MethylPlex microarray profiling of genome methylation is as simple and inexpensive as the profiling of gene expression. Key markers for detecting two initial types of cancer, prostate and esophageal, will be determined by analyzing the methylation patterns from hundreds of patients. MethylPlex is the product of Rubicon Genomics (Ann Arbor, MI, USA).

Hospitals and reference laboratories will use inexpensive, noninvasive MethylPlex diagnostic tests. The first tests will use serum or urine from patients with high prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) or other indications of prostate cancer to identify those cases that should be treated aggressively, preventing patients from having to undergo periodic biopsies or unnecessary surgeries. MethylPlex has equal potential for diagnosing other types of cancer, according to Rubicon. The company has discovered almost 1,000 new methylation sites associated with cancer, more than double the number discovered by other technologies in the past 10 years.

“MethylPlex is the key to unlocking this diagnostic potential because it produces high resolution maps of methylation for more than 10,000 genes in one day for less than U.S.$0.10 per gene,” noted Dr. Vladimir Makarov, founder and CSO of Rubicon Genomics. “This reduces the time and cost to discover and validate new markers by nearly 100-fold.”

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