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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Confirma公司推出乳房核磁共振檢查計算機輔助檢測系統 |
Confirma公司推出乳房核磁共振檢查計算機輔助檢測系統 【?2004-12-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型計算機輔助檢測系統被稱作CADstream,被研制開發用來在乳房核磁共振檢查時候進行計算機輔助檢測。 這種計算機輔助檢測系統整合了病變分類的ACR鉍-拉德圖冊以及多峰形的備用配置,在解釋乳房核磁共振檢查結果的時候,為操作者提供了進入、觀察以及參考乳房X線照相以及超聲波檢查的能力。該系統由Confirma公司(Kirkland, WA, USA)研制成功。 美國西雅圖第一希爾診斷影像的Justin P. Smith醫生說:“CADstream系統已經在第一希爾診斷影像的乳房核磁共振檢查項目中產生了實實在在的進步。我們已經在影響我們項目的不同單元看到了進步,包括工作流程、標準化、通訊以及研究容量。我相信CADstream的新特征將進一步改進我們的婦女影像項目。我們現在有更好、更加有益的解釋以及交流疾病程度的工具。” CAD系統通過自動化數據分析、改進影像處理、糾正患者運動方式,提升了乳房核磁共振檢查的工作效率和工作流程,這就有助于放射科醫生對這些數據密集檢查進行解釋、標準化以及報告。CADstream核心自動化特征包括自適應、高序列影像記錄(二維和三維)、多平面重定格式、衰減、血管發生圖譜、互動式實時對比曲線、最大亮度投影以及容量摘要。 Breast MRI CAD System The CAD system incorporates the ACR Bi-Rads Atlas for lesion classification and a multimodality-ready configuration, providing users with the ability to access, view, and reference patients’ mammography and ultrasound studies while interpreting breast MRI. “CADstream has led to a profound improvement of our breast MRI program at First Hill Diagnostic Imaging,” said Justin P. Smith, M.D., First Hill Diagnostic Imaging, Seattle, WA, USA. “We have seen improvement in a variety of elements that affect our program, including workflow, standardization, communication, and study volumes. The new features in CADstream, I believe, will further improve our women’s imaging program. We now have even better, more informative tools to interpret and communicate the extent of disease.” The CAD system enhances the efficiency and workflow of breast MRI studies by automating data analysis, improving image management, and correcting for patient movement, which assists radiologists in the interpretation, standardization, and reporting of these data-intensive studies. CADstream’s core automated features include adaptive, high-order image registration (two- and three-dimensional), multiplanar reformatting, subtractions, angiogenesis maps, interactive real-time contrast curves, maximum intensity projections (MIPs), and volume summaries. 本文關鍵字:
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