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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Vital影像公司開發出新版本的心肺功能分析軟件 |
Vital影像公司開發出新版本的心肺功能分析軟件 【?2005-04-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
新型軟件可以用于二維、三維和四維心功能分析(CFA)以及具有CT肺臟檢查選項,最近已經投入使用。 3.7版本的Vitrea 2是由Vital影像公司(Minneapolis, MN, USA; www.vitalimages.com)研制開發的,包括InnerviewGI的增強組件,這是該公司的CT結腸軟件。3.7版適合提高工作流程以及提高工作效率。Vital影像公司的總裁兼首席執行官Jay D.Miller說:“我們特別自豪推出這個版本,因為我們研制了兩種選擇:心臟功能分析與CT肺檢查,以及對Innerview GI進行了改進。這三種應用軟件都能夠對現存程序提供效果更好、成本更低、以及對患者更加友好的替代選擇。” CFA選擇項能夠在二維和三維空間內觀察正在跳動的心臟。而且,CFA能夠評估左心室射血分數,這是反應心臟功能的一項重要指標。當使用Vital影像的CT心臟功能選項的時候,心血管醫生能夠在CT條件下充分評估心臟功能。這些工具通過將新型多探頭CT掃描儀的能量和速度最大化,提升了心血管醫生有效監測患者病變的能力。 InnerviewGI選項包括對無干預平滑通過能力的改進,從而使其能夠更加容易地通過結腸進行檢查,能夠更容易地在二維和三維空間進行移動。美國放射學影像網絡學院(ACRIN)正在使用這個版本的InnerviewGI,進行一項重要的臨床實驗來評估CT結腸成像與傳統結腸鏡。 The Vitrea 2, Version 3.7 was developed by Vital Images (Minneapolis, MN, USA; www.vitalimages.com) and includes enhancements to InnerviewGI, the company’s CT colon software. The Version 3.7 is geared to enhance workflow and productivity. “We are especially proud to launch this version as we have developed two options--cardiac function analysis and CT lung--as well as improvements to Innerview GI. These three applications all potentially offer better, lower-cost, and more patient-friendly alternatives to existing procedures,” said Jay D. Miller, president and CEO of Vital Images. The CFA option visualizes a beating heart in 2D and 3D. Furthermore, CFA assesses the ejection fraction of the left ventricle--a major measurement of heart function. When used with Vital Images’ CT cardiac option, cardiologists can fully assess cardiac function in the CT environment. These tools strengthen cardiologists’ ability to effectively detect patient abnormalities by maximizing the power and speed of new multidetector CT scanners. The InnerviewGI option includes improvements to its hands-off fly-through capability that make it easier to visually travel through and examine the colon, along with the ability to move between 2D and 3D images with greater ease. The American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN) is using this version of InnerviewGI in a major trial comparing CT colonography to conventional colonoscopy. 本文關鍵字:
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