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【?2005-05-12 發布?】 美迪醫訊


XR-T允許進行單獨的X線影像增強調節,是ContextVision公司X線影像增強產品GOPView XR的附加產品。XR-T的精細調節功能一直是ContextVision公司客戶長期追求的目標,這是一家原始設備制造商(OEM)。GOPView的XR-T允許他們滿足自己客戶的需求,并參與最終X線影像質量的調節。

GOPView XR-T是一種直觀性的操作簡便的工具,允許X線制造商的影像專家對影像質量進行精細調整。該工具提供兩種獨立節點、影像模式,以適應兩種主要的擁護群體:放射科醫生以及影像專家。在完成精細調節程序之后,參數文件就可以被保存并上傳到用戶的X線系統,然后完成調節程序。

ContextVision公司總裁Jan Erik Hedborg說:“來自最早使用產品客戶的反饋證實了我們的信念,即我們的客戶需要這種類型的工具,用于調節影像質量。一個額外的效益是來自終端用戶的壓力下降,因為我們的客戶現在能夠證實并使用GOPView XR-T來滿足任何個性化的需求。”
X-Ray Optimization Tool
A new tool has been designed for the fine adjustment of the image quality in digital x-ray images.

The XR-T enables individual x-ray image enhancement adjustments, and is an addition to the GOPView XR, ContextVision’s (Kista, Sweden) x-ray image-enhancement product. The fine-adjustment capabilities of XR-T have long been sought by ContextVision’s customers, which are primarily original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). GOPView XR-T enables them to satisfy the needs of their own customers and participate in final x-ray image quality adjustments.

THE GOPView XR-T features an intuitive and easy-to-use tool enabling x-ray manufacturers’ imaging experts to finely adjust the image quality. The tool provides two separate nodes, image mode and feature mode, to accommodate two primary user groups: radiologists and image experts. After the fine adjusting procedure is done, a parameter file is saved and uploaded to the user’s x-ray system, which completes the adjustment procedure.

“Feedback from customers who have taken initial deliveries confirms our belief that all our customers will request this kind of tool for future adjustment of their image quality. An additional benefit is decreased pressure from end-users, as our customers can now demonstrate and use the GOPView XR-T to satisfy all individual preferences,” said Jan Erik Hedborg, president and CEO of ContextVision.

本文關鍵字: ContextVision公司,X線 
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