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SPECT檢測乳腺癌骨骼轉移的效果優于FDG PET 【?2005-05-20 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據一項最新研究發現,在鑒別已經出現骨骼轉移的乳腺癌方面,骨骼單光子發射計算機斷層掃描(SPECT)優于氟脫氧葡萄糖正電子發射斷層掃描(FDG PET)。 FDG PET檢測的原理是:腫瘤細胞葡萄糖代謝增加。SPECT檢測放射活性藥物(藥物由臨床醫生給予)攝入區域。SPECT能夠發現骨骼轉移性腫瘤的位置,而PET做不到這一點。除此之外,骨骼SPECT能夠鑒別出腫瘤細胞破壞后再生的骨骼區域。 這項研究結果發表在2005年4月的《美國X線學期刊》之上,來自日本Shizuoka癌癥中心醫院的科學家評估了15例乳腺癌患者的總共900份骨骼檢查結果,這些患者接受了PET以及SPECT掃描檢查。研究人員發現:在鑒別骨骼轉移性腫瘤方面,SPECT敏感性為85%,精確性為96%;PET敏感性僅僅為17%,精確性為85%。他們還發現PET只能顯示特定類型的腫瘤。 該項研究首席作者Takayoshi Uematsu醫生說:“骨骼是乳腺癌轉移的最常見部位。高達90%的死于乳腺癌的患者由遠處骨骼轉移。在乳腺癌初始部位得到治療后,骨骼是復發頻率最高的部位?!?/P> 根據研究人員的說法,確定何種影像檢查技術對特定疾病的檢查效果最佳,對患者的治療是十分必要的。Uematsu醫生說:“對骨骼轉移瘤的早期診斷與治療能夠改善乳腺癌患者的預后,適合的影像檢查方法能夠幫助進行早期檢測骨骼轉移瘤。” SPECT Better than FDG PET for Identifying Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer FDG PET is a method that is based on increased metabolism of glucose in tumor cells. SPECT detects areas of radioactive agent uptake that is administered by a clinician. SPECT can demonstrate the site of bone metastases, while PET cannot. Additionally, bone SPECT can identify where bone is being regenerated after destruction by tumor cells. In the study, which was published in the April 2005 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology, scientists from Shizuoka Cancer Center Hospital (Japan) assessed the results in a total of 900 bones in 15 patients with breast cancer who underwent both PET and SPECT scanning. The researchers discovered that SPECT had a sensitivity of 85% and an accuracy of 96% for identifying bone metastases, while PET had a sensitivity of only 17% and an accuracy of 85%. They also found that PET was limited in its capability to show specific types of tumors. “Bone is the most common site of breast cancer metastasis. Up to 90% of patients dying with distant breast cancer have bone metastases. Bone is also the most frequent recurrence site after treatment for primary breast cancer,” said Takayoshi Uematsu, M.D., lead author of the study. Determining which imaging technique is the best for a specific disorder is essential in treating the patient, according to the researchers. “Early diagnosis and treatment of bone metastases might improve outcomes in breast cancer patients, and the appropriate imaging method is able to assist in the early detection of bone metastases,” said Dr. Uematsu. 本文關鍵字:
SPECT,乳腺癌,骨骼轉移,FDG PET
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