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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > CryoLife公司提供用于膝關節移植手術的低溫保存組織 |
CryoLife公司提供用于膝關節移植手術的低溫保存組織 【?2005-06-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在一次整形外科手術中,滅活抗原保護劑處理過的低溫保存的整形外科組織,被移植入患者體內。 這種低溫保存的整形外科組織來自CryoLife公司,該公司在心血管和血管外科手術中使用的活體移植組織的處理和銷售方面處于領導地位。為了確保該公司組織的安全性,CryoLife獲得了Clearant集團的Clerant處理許可。這種技術使用伽馬射線以及放射滅活方法來滅活抗原,包括微生物,而同時能夠維持組織的完整性。使用這種處理技術確保了血液制品、血漿制品以及組織移植物的安全性。 在整形外科手術中,一旦整形組織使用了Clearant方法處理,就可以被移植入患者體內重建患者膝蓋的前十字韌帶以及后十字韌帶。在該例患者,使用兩個脛腓骨肌腱替代患者被損害的前十字韌帶和后十字韌帶。 CryoLife公司計劃使用Clearant處理方案為外科醫生提供低溫保存的膝蓋骨、脛腓骨、四頭肌以及腓骨肌腱。David Caborn醫生在Jewish醫院進行了該手術,他說:“我已經為CryoLife公司工作了好幾年,從事的項目是使用低溫保存肌肉骨骼組織,重建失去穩定性以及疼痛的膝關節。Clearant處理方案為外科醫生提供了使用放射處理的整形組織,在滅活病原的同時,這種組織的強度以及結構特征沒有受到損害。” The cryopreserved orthopedic tissues were from CryoLife, Inc. (Atlanta, GA, USA), a leader in the processing and distribution of implantable living human tissues for use in cardiovascular and vascular surgeries. To ensure the safety of its tissues, CryoLife has licensed the Clearant Process from Clearant, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA, USA). This technology uses gamma irradiation and a dioprotectant to inactivate pathogens, including microorganisms, while maintaining tissue integrity. The process is used to ensure the safety of blood products, plasma therapies, and tissue allograft implants. In the orthopedic procedure, once the orthopedic tissues were treated by the Clearant process, they were implanted in a patient to reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in the patient’s knee. In this case, two tibialis tendons were used to replace the patient’s damaged ACL and PCL. CryoLife plans to make available cryopreserved patellar, tibialis, Achilles, quadriceps, and peroneus tendons treated with the Clearant process to orthopedic surgeons. “I have worked with CryoLife for several years transplanting their yopreserved musculoskeletal tissues to reconstruct painful, unstable knees,” said Dr. David Caborn, who performed the surgery at Jewish Hospital (Louisville, KY, USA). “The Clearant process provides surgeons with the opportunity to use irradiated orthopedic tissue without compromising the tissue’s strength and structural properties, while inactivating pathogens.” 本文關鍵字:
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