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【?2005-06-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊




里昂Syncart分子指標服務副總裁兼總經理Patrick Garnero博士說:“Syncart能夠幫助鑒別早期關節炎患者,這些患者處于可能快速進展至關節病變,因此需要激進性結構重建治療。通過鑒別出用于臨床試驗的理想指標,這種新型生化指標能夠幫助減少研制保全患關節炎的關節完整性藥物的時間和成本。”

Biomarker of Cartilage Degradation
A novel biochemical marker of joint-tissue breakdown is designed for use in clinical trials of new therapies for arthritis.

The immunoassay, called Syncart (helix-II), shows urinary degradation fragment of type II collagen. The breakdown of type II collagen is a specific indicator of cartilage destruction in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, two highly prevalent and debilitating joint diseases collectively afflicting more than 15% of the world’s population.

Details on the immunoassay were provided in the April 2005 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism. The immunoassay was developed by Synarc, Inc. (Lyon, France), a leading provider of centralized molecular marker and imaging services for clinical trials of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical devices industries.

“Syncart helps identify early arthritis patients who are at high risk of rapidly progressive joint destruction and therefore in need of aggressive structure-modifying therapy,” explained Patrick Garnero, DSc., Ph.D., vice president and general manager of molecular marker services for Synarc in Lyon. “By identifying ideal candidates for clinical trials, this new biochemical marker helps reduce the time and cost of drug development aimed at preserving joint integrity in arthritis.”

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