
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 美科學家發現基因變異影響血液凝固  


【?2005-06-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊


醫生開出處方使用華法令(商品名包括Coumadin)來預防心臟病、腦卒中、或者大手術之后的有害的血液凝固。但是,合適的劑量范圍很大,很難進行預測。美國華盛頓大學醫學化學教授、高級發起人Allan E. Rettie博士指出:“在過多與過少之間的劑量窗口極小。”


第一作者Mark J. Rieder博士指出:“如果你試圖預測劑量,你需要知道更多的控制變異的基因。” 他是華盛頓大學基因科學系助理教授。這項研究發表在2005年6月2日的《新英格蘭醫學》。
Genetic Variation Affects Clotting
A new study has found that variations in a gene involved in blood clotting may account for the difficulty doctors have in deciding on the proper dose of warfarin, a common anticoagulant.

Warfarin (trade names include Coumadin) is prescribed by doctors to prevent harmful blood clotting after a heart attack, stroke, or major surgery. However, the proper dose can vary a lot and be hard to predict. “There is a narrow window between too much and too little,” explained senior author Allan E. Rettie, Ph.D., professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Washington (Seattle, USA).

Researchers looked at the genetic background of people taking warfarin and found that variations in the gene encoding the CY2C9 enzyme that metabolizes warfarin account for about 10% of the difference in people’s response to the drug. Doctors do not routinely test for these variations. The researchers also focused on another gene: vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1), which makes a protein that helps control clotting and is the key target of warfarin. They found that genetic variations did turn this gene up or down, so information about a patients’ variations could predict their response to warfarin. In addition, the researchers found that certain population groups tend to have a higher prevalence of a particular variation. Asian Americans tend to have a low-dose version, African-Americans have a high-dose version, and European Americans are in the middle.

“If you want to predict doses, you need to know more about the genes that control variability,” observed first author Mark J. Rieder, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department of genome sciences at the University of Washington. The study was published in the June 2, 2005, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.

本文關鍵字: 基因變異,血液凝固 
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