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Abbott公司研制出新一代冠狀動脈支架 【?2005-06-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型冠狀動脈支架被設計用于提供更好的可視功能以及最可能的輸送功能。 這種TriMaxx支架將成為研究藥物釋放支架(叫做ZoMaxx)的平臺,在2005年法國巴黎舉辦的巴黎血管再通課程(PCR)上進行了展示。這種支架是由美國Abbott血管公司(Redwood City, CA, USA)研制開發的。 TriMaxx冠狀動脈支架的支柱(網孔狀支架)極其細小,交叉輪廓較低,這種設計便于在動脈中放置支架。在巴黎投放的支架具有全尺寸的基質,支架直徑范圍在2.25mm~4.0mm之間,長度8mm~28mm之間。Trimaxx是第一種僅有的裸金屬支架平臺,是由3層不銹鋼和鉭組成的,這種設計確保在X線熒光掃描中能夠具有良好的可視性。 巴西圣保羅Dante Pazzanese醫院的Alexandre Abizaid醫生指出:“根據我的經驗,Abbott公司TriMaxx支架的輸送性特別優越,這種產品輪廓細小,X線血管造影清晰可視,使得TriMaxx成為每日應用的有競爭性的產品,適合在特殊病例中進行精確操作。”Abizaid醫生是第一位在冠狀動脈疾病患者中植入TriMaxx的醫生。 This TriMaxx stent will be the platform for an investigational drug-eluting stent called ZoMaxx, showcased at the Paris Course on Revascularization (PCR) in Paris (France) in May 2005. The stent was developed by Abbott Vascular (Redwood City, CA, USA). The TriMaxx coronary stent has extremely thin struts (mesh scaffolding) and an ultra-low crossing profile designed to facilitate stent placement in arteries. The stent was launched in Paris with a full matrix of sizes, including stent diameters ranging from 2.25 mm to 4.0 mm, and lengths ranging from 8 mm to 28 mm. Trimaxx is the first and only bare metal stent platform developed with a tri-layer composite of stainless steel and tantalum designed to enable optimal visibility under x-ray fluoroscopy. “In my experience, Abbott’s TriMaxx stent offers an excellent level of deliverability,” said Alexandre Abizaid, M.D., of Dante Pazzanese Hospital in Sao Paulo (Brazil). “Its thin low-profile design, coupled with the ability to clearly see the product under angiogram (x-ray) should make the TriMaxx a compelling candidate for everyday use and for accurate stent placement in certain challenging cases.” Dr. Abizaid was the first doctor to implant the TriMaxx in patients with diseased coronary arteries. /**/本文關鍵字:
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