
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 法國bioMerieux公司推出細菌感染檢測系統  


【?2005-07-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊


細菌耐藥性增加是一種挑戰,即時對最有效的抗生素而言,盡早鑒別出耐藥細菌能夠作出積極的調整措施。法國bioMerieux公司指出,這有助于防止治療失敗,并減少正在出現的耐藥情況發生。該公司研制開發了Vitek2 Compact。

Vitek 2 Compact使用多光譜比色儀和透射光學系統, 檢測微生物在不同培養基和不同濃度抗生素條件下的生長變化。系統分析法則對這些讀數進行解釋,快速精確鑒別微生物和藥物敏感性結果。Viteck 2 Compact是根據Vitek2的已經得到證實的相同技術制作的,但是體積較小。2005年6月美國亞特蘭大舉行的美國微生物學學會年會上展示了這套Vitek 2 Compact系統。

bioMerieux公司北美商業分支高級副總裁Herb Steward說:“微生物實驗室面臨的最重要任務是快速準確地報道結果。準確檢測微生物是達到這個目標的第一步,Vitek 2 Compact現在為小型~中型實驗室提供了與我們在市場上占領先地位的Viteck 2系統一樣快速的檢測方法。”
Bacterial Infection Testing System
An automated bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing system is designed for use in small to medium-sized laboratories. The system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The increase in bacterial resistance is a challenge to even the most-effective antibiotics, and identifying resistance as early as possible allows for the use of active measures and therapeutic adjustments. This helps to prevent treatment failures and reduces emerging resistance, states bioMerieux, S.A. (Marcy l’Etoile, France), the developer of Vitek 2 Compact.

Using multi-spectrum colorimetric and transmittance optic systems, the Vitek 2 Compact detects changes in organism growth under various media and antibiotic concentrations. The system’s analysis algorithm then interprets these readings to provide rapid, accurate translation into microorganism identification and susceptibility results. The Viteck 2 Compact is built on the same proven technology as the Vitek 2 but with a smaller footprint. The Vitek 2 Compact was introduced at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Atlanta (GA, USA) in June 2005.

“The most important task facing the microbiology laboratory is reporting rapid, accurate, and clinically relevant results,” said Herb Steward, senior vice president, North American commercial operations of bioMerieux. “Accurate microbial detection is the first step in achieving this goal, and the Vitek 2 Compact can now provide the same rapid results to small and mid-sized labs using the same market-leading technology of our Viteck 2.”

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