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【?2005-07-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊

新型GeneChip掃描儀(GCS) 3000 7G在分析基因芯片方面,能夠比以前型號的機器分析數據多出50%。
GCS 3000 7G的特殊之處包括:一種新型雙處理器工作站以及軟件,可以升級每次實驗可以處理5倍的數據,改良的自動聚焦運算法則用于掃描標準尺寸的49格式的基因芯片,比原來的GSC要快30%。除此之外,一種擁有的Flying Objective掃描系統能夠確保影象的均勻和精確。高數字光圈光學結構為整個視野提供協調的激發和發射途徑。
Affymetrix公司產品技術組. 副總裁Chip Leveille指出:“我們設計最早的GCS 3000向前兼容,只需要一個簡單的升級就可以支持下一代高密度基因芯片,因為GeneChip技術一直在不斷進步。”
Gene-Sequence Scanner Analyzes More Data
The new GeneChip scanner (GCS) 3000 7G allows the analysis of microarrays that feature 500% more data than previous generations.

With the ability to scan smaller features, ranging in size from 2.5 μm to 0.51 μm, the new scanner supports the latest high-density GeneChip microarrays for tiling, all-exon, and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping research. The new scanner is the product of Affymetrix, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA, USA). It is designed to provide peak scanning performance for all operations, including RNA expression and DNA analysis. The scanner is compatible with data from previous experiments using GeneChip microarrays as well as other instruments and software of Affymetrix.

Specific features of the GCS 3000 7G include a new dual processor workstation and software updates for processing and analyzing up to five times as much data per experiment, and an improved autofocus algorithm for scanning standard-size 49-format microarrays 30% faster than the original GSC. In addition, a patented scanning system called the Flying Objective provides image uniformity and accuracy. High-numerical-
aperture optical architecture provides consistent excitation and emission paths over the entire scan field.

“We designed the original GCS 3000 to be forward-compatible, requiring only a simple upgrade to support the next-generation of high-density microarrays that develop as GeneChip technology continues to advance,” observed Chip Leveille, vice president of Product Technologies Group, Affymetrix.

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