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Dade Behring公司推出第二代化學分析儀

【?2005-01-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊


新型分析儀叫做Dimension Xpand增強系統,與Xpand分析儀有相同的小“足跡”但是有增強儀器,能夠在保持簡單、靈活與高效的同時,為臨床實驗室增加產出與效率。Xpand增強型的特征包括相同的菜單、超過85種常用檢測、最佳STAT樣品處理、樣品完整分析,沒有陰性讓步通量、關鍵步驟的自動前攝監測、樣本的快速處理、與得到結果。除此之外,圓型觸摸屏監視器方便易用,在線雙向對話無間斷電源供應確保樣本的持續處理和結果輸送。

Xpand和Xpand增強系統是Dade Behring公司產品。Dade Behring公司總裁、主席與首席執行官Jim Reid-Anderson說:“Dimension Xpand增強分析儀為我們客戶提供的特性證明了我們公司對客戶需求能夠及時響應,而且證實了公司為遍布全球的客戶提供了靈活的、定制的解決方案的領導能力。”
Second-Generation Chemistry Analyzer
A second-generation chemistry analyzer offers integration of chemistry and immunochemistry testing for the low-volume laboratory and provides more automated features.

Called the Dimension Xpand Plus System, the new analyzer has the same small footprint as the Xpand analyzer but has enhanced instrumentation that offers the clinical laboratory improved productivity and efficiency while maintaining the simple, flexible, highly capable design. The new Xpand Plus features include the same wide menu, with more than 85 frequently ordered tests, the best STAT sample handling, sample integrity analysis without negatively compromising throughput, automatic proactive monitoring of critical systems, and quick access to samples and results. In addition, a flat touch-screen monitor is easy to use, and online double conversion uninterrupted power supply ensures continued processing and delivery of results.

The Xpand and Xpand Plus systems are the products of Dade Behring (Deerfield, IL, USA). “The features offered to customers on the Dimension Xpand Plus analyzer demonstrate our responsiveness to real customer needs and our leadership in offering flexible, customized solutions to our customers around the world,” said Jim Reid-Anderson, chairman, president, and CEO, Dade Behring.

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