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Dade Behring公司開發出新型凝血酶檢驗方法 【?2005-04-16 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型內源性凝血酶潛能(ETP)檢測方法能夠用于測定凝血酶的活性,現在已經可以用于科研研究。 這種方法是基于這樣的假設:血漿或全血中生成的凝血酶代表的是促凝血和抗凝血物質的活性、濃度的總和。ETP檢測方法最初是開發用于測定血小板含量較低血漿中凝血酶生成的方法,現在可以在大學醫院以及Dade Behring公司的標準實驗室中用于科研目的。 Dade Behring公司主席、總裁兼首席執行官Jim Reid-Anderson說:“ETP具有變成凝結試驗標準參數的可能,我們十分自信,研究試驗將為我們把這項檢測完全進行商品化操作,提供所必須的信息。” 他補充說:“我們十分高興能夠提供這項革新性新型檢測方法,這種檢測具有廣泛的臨床應用前景,能夠為臨床醫生更好地評估凝血與出血危險,從而更加有效地治療患者。” The assay is based on the assumption that thrombin generation in plasma or whole blood reflects the sum of the activities and concentrations of procoagulant and anticoagulant substances. The ETP assay was originally developed for the measurement of thrombin generation in platelet-poor plasma and is now being offered for research use only to university hospitals and reference centers by Dade Behring (Deerfield, IL, USA). “ETP has the potential to become a standard parameter in coagulation, and we are confident that the research studies will provide the necessary information that we need to bring the assay to full commercialization,” observed Jim Reid-Anderson, chairman, president, and CEO of Dade Behring. “We are pleased to be able to provide an innovative new assay with the possibility of broad clinical applications that could allow physicians to better assess thrombotic and bleeding risk and treat patients more effectively,” he added. 本文關鍵字:
Dade Behring公司,凝血酶檢驗方法
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