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Hemapure AB公司推出無針透析系統 【?2006-06-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Hemaport是由Hemapure AB公司(Uppsala, Sweden)開發的無針頭系統,作為血透患者因為解剖原因不能采用動靜脈(AV)瘺的情況下,或者作為中央透析導管的替代選擇。其原理是使用跨皮下鈦移植物,不同于進入血管的方法。Hemaport和相關透析系統已經獲得了CE標志。 系統的主要成分是氮化物鈦針閥設備,手術植入合適的位置,通常是非主要的上肢或者腿,拋棄式蓋子和涂藥器。血液循環通過人工合成的移植片,形成流入動脈和受體靜脈之間的終端-側枝吻合。在位置上使用封閉板,血流從動脈向靜脈持續流入移植物。在治療之前,該封閉板可以換成透析蓋。然后連接Hemaport,通過血導管連接到透析機器之上。當透析治療結束的時候,透析蓋再換成新的封閉盤。 The Hemaport, developed by Hemapure AB (Uppsala, Sweden), is a needle-free system developed as an option for patients undergoing dialysis when arteriovenus (AV) fistulas are failing for anatomic reasons or as an alternative to central dialysis catheters. The concept is based on a transcutaneous titanium implant and is a fundamentally different approach to solving problems associated with vascular access. Hemaport and its associated dialysis set have received the CE Mark. The main components of the system are a nitrided titanium housing device, surgically implanted at a suitable location--usually the non-dominant upper arm or a leg--and disposable lids and applicators. Blood is circulated to the housing through synthetic grafts, forming end-to-side anastomoses on the inflow artery and the recipient vein. With a sealing plate in position, blood is continuously flowing through the implant, from artery to vein. Prior to treatment, the sealing plate is exchanged with a dialysis lid. The Hemaport is then connected, via the blood tubing, to the dialysis machine. When the dialysis treatment is finished, the dialysis lid is exchanged for a new sealing plate. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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