
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > DadeBehring公司推出實驗室自動控制解決方案  


【?2005-08-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這種新型系統,叫做Dimension Lynx,利用了Dade Behring公司的Dimension RxL Max分析儀的設計,整合了樣本處理模塊來提高性能和產量。通過使用兩種Dimension系統來進行整合,并將它們聯合用于樣本處理模塊。這種自動控制解決方案還配備在Dimension分析儀和Immulite2000或者2500型免疫分析系統之上。

Dimension Lynx具有許多優點。這些包括智能樣本控制、實際血凝塊檢測、樣本完整性檢查、樣本排列和繪圖,以及自動智能路線控制,免除了技術人員的僅僅憑猜測進行工作。一個操作者界面能夠控制整個系統,為在兩個設備上處理樣本提供了一致性,提高了“轉向”時間、以及去除樣本瓶蓋的能力。

Dade Behring公司市場部高級副總裁Rick Lee說:“為中等規模實驗室提供合適的自動控制解決方案,將會大大提高工作效率。除了產品的靈活性之外,Dimension Lynx系統提供了待機能力,能夠同時運行182種方法,為實驗室提供了增加產量和性能的方法。”

New Scalable Automation Solution
A scalable automation solution targeted at medium-volume laboratories is designed to save time and costs.

The new system, called Dimension Lynx, utilizes the design of the Dimension RxL Max analyzer of Dade Behring (Deerfield, IL, USA) and integrates a sample-management module to improve performance and productivity. The integration is achieved by using two Dimension systems and combining them with the sample-management module. The automation solution is also available with the combination of a Dimension analyzer and the Immulite 2000 or 2500 immunoassay system.

Dimension Lynx offers a number of advantages. These include smart sample management, true clot detection, sample integrity checks, sample sorting and mapping, and automated intelligent routing to eliminate the guesswork of technicians. A single operator interface serves the complete system and permits automatic add-on testing without operator intervention. In addition, the system offers consistency in processing on two instruments, improved turn-around time, and convenient decapping capability.

“The availability of an appropriate automation solution for medium-sized laboratories will be extremely valuable for workflow management,” said Rick Lee, senior vice president, marketing, Dade Behring. “In addition to its flexibility, the Dimension Lynx system provides on-board capacity to run 182 methods concurrently, providing the laboratory with increased productivity and performance.”

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