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Dade Behring推出D二聚體檢測診斷血栓栓塞 【?2005-10-26 發布?】 美迪醫訊
患上DVT,在腿、骨盆、或者上肢深靜脈就會形成血凝塊,導致部分或者完全的循環阻塞。臨床癥狀不同,但是在50%的患者中,很少或者沒有癥狀。早期診斷和治療十分重要。PE發生在血凝塊脫落或者發生栓塞,脫落至肺臟或者肺動脈。在美國PE每年導致的死亡比乳腺癌、公路死亡或者AIDS還要多。VTE是一種發生在靜脈的栓塞。 “使用D-二聚體檢測來診斷VTE、DVT或者PE,為世界范圍內的實驗室提供了另外一項重要方法,”Jim Reid-Anderson說,他是Dade Behring公司主席、總裁兼首席執行官,正是該公司研發了這種檢測方法?!矮@得FDA的許可,擴大了這種檢測方法的應用范圍,這對Dade Behring公司十分重要,因為為臨床醫生提供了一種重要工具,同時使用預備幾率評估,就可以進行靜脈血栓癥的診斷輔助工具(DVT or PE)。” D-dimer Assay for Thromboembolism With DVT, a blood clot forms in the deep veins of the legs, pelvis, or upper extremities, leading to either partially or completely blocked circulation. Symptoms may vary, but in as many as 50% of patients, few or no symptoms are seen. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential. PE occurs when a clot breaks loose or embolizes and travels to the lungs or pulmonary artery. PE causes more U.S. deaths annually than breast cancer, highway fatalities, or AIDS. VTE is thromboembolism that occurs in the veins. “The ability to use the D-dimer test as an aid in the diagnosis of VTE, DVT, or PE provides another significant offering to hospital laboratories worldwide,” said Jim Reid-Anderson, chairman, president, and CEO of Dade Behring, which developed the test. “Receiving FDA clearance for the expanded use for this assay is extremely important to Dade Behring because it provides another important tool for physicians to utilize, along with pretest probability assessment, as an aid in the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (DVT or PE).” 本文關鍵字:
Dade Behring,D二聚體,血栓栓塞
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